Bensenville Park District announces veterans initiative

Veterans within park district boundaries to receive special benefits beginning in 2023

Bensenville, Ill.— U.S. Armed Forces veterans residing within the boundaries served by the Bensenville Park District will soon be receiving additional, enhanced benefits, Board President Richard Johnson announced at the November 11 Veterans Day Breakfast at White Pines Golf Club.

“We owe our veterans a debt of gratitude much more than words can express,” Johnson told the crowd of more than 160, noting veterans’ commitment to put service before self.

In addition to committing to continue to host the Veterans Day Breakfast at White Pines, Johnson announced the district will continue to add additional opportunities for veterans to stay active utilizing park district facilities and services. He identified three park district facilities that would add programs to serve veterans throughout the year: Wood Street Fitness, White Pines Golf Club and the Bensenville Water Park and Splash Pad.

As part of the veteran’s initiative, Johnson indicated Wood Street Fitness, 1000 W. Wood Street, would offer new fitness center programs to serve veterans. The center would offer free veteran memberships to new members, he said. Terms and conditions apply.

White Pines Golf Club, 500 W. Jefferson, would also host a “summer bash” that would include a luncheon and golf for veterans. The date for this event has yet to be announced.

Additionally, the Bensenville Water Park and Splash Pad, 1100 W. Wood Street, would host a day at the pool for veterans and their families. The date of this event will be announced at a future time.

The programs and events would take place beginning in 2023. Winter-spring program registration begins Tuesday, November 29, for residents (November 30 for non-residents). Program rules and registration information for veterans programs will be announced separately.

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