• Board of Commissioners to meet at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, at the Deer Grove Leisure Center. More Info>>
  • DGLC is a designated winter-warming center during normal business hours. More Info>>
  • Sunrise Park is closed for renovations. More Info>>


The Bensenville Park District complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and strongly supports inclusion. Inclusion looks at the needs, interests, and abilities of the individuals instead of focusing on their special needs. In partnership with our Special Recreation Association, NEDSRA, reasonable accommodations are provided to ensure successful participation in our programs.

Through our partnership with Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association (NEDSRA), individuals with a disability are offered over 600 recreational opportunities each year. If you or someone you know has a disability, contact NEDSRA today at 630-620-4500 or www.nedsra.org for information about recreation programs and services. All ages and ability levels served.

The Bensenville Park District will not discriminate against any eligible participant on the basis of a disabling condition. We invite participants with special needs to contact Phyllis Schmidt, ADA Coordinator, upon registration so that a smooth inclusion may occur. If you have any ADA related questions please call 630-766-7015.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Bensenville Park District acknowledges and supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (42US.S.C. 12131 “ADA”) and prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the services, programs and activities of the District. The District will make all reasonable accommodations to facilitate community access and full participation by citizens.

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires transition plans be developed for state and local governments and their departments. Title II addresses the requirements for all levels of state and local governments to plan and implement a process for removal of accessibility barriers. Transition plans are both a planning tool and public comment.

Winter Spring 2025 Program Guide