The Bensenville Park District is committed to the wellbeing of its residents and offers programs and facilities such as the Wood Street Fitness Center that promote health and fitness.
“Let us help you be your best self in the new year. Wood Street Fitness offers top-of-the line fitness equipment and classes for strength and cardio training to help you get and stay in shape in 2023,” says Fitness Supervisor Silvia Acevedo, who offers the following tips to keeping new year’s fitness resolutions:
- Know yourself
Knowing yourself means asking why you are embarking on your health journey; it may be to look and feel better or may even a medical reason. It also means knowing why a lifestyle change hasn’t been made in the past. A 2020 Harvard University article notes that unless it’s understood why old habits and routines are followed, it’s harder to make lifestyle changes. Their advice? Take time to think things through: “You boost your chance of success when the balance of pluses and minuses tips enough to make adopting a new behavior more attractive than standing in place.”
- Set SMART goals and write them down
Don’t be afraid to go big, but remember to be SMART with your goals. The SMART acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Don’t just set a goal to lose weight; set a goal to lose 20 pounds by May 1. Once a goal is set, write it down and put it somewhere it will be seen every day. Research shows that written goals shared with friends and family are followed through on more than those that aren’t. In fact, a 270-person Dominican University study found participants were 42 percent more likely to achieve their goals if they wrote them down.
- Take “baby steps” and be consistent
Breaking big goals down into smaller ones is helpful in staying on track. Losing 20 lbs. by May 1 can be broken down into losing five lbs. each month, or just over a pound a week. When looking at a goal like that, it becomes easier to measure progress and stay motivated. It helps to create a routine for working out, such as cardio Monday-Wednesday and strength Tuesday-Thursday, and be consistent in diet (what to eat and when).
- Mix it up
Variety is the spice of life, and the same can be said for your fitness journey. Varying workouts has been shown to prevent boredom and also reduce “plateauing.” The American Council on Exercise says changing up workouts and trying new activities provides motivation to stick with a resolution. Trying out yoga, cycling, cardio, HIIT or Zumba classes like those offered at Wood Street Fitness can help. Or use the free indoor track. The park district also offers mindfulness classes for youths and adults to help keep a positive mental attitude.
- Stay positive and be patient
There will be obstacles and setbacks in achieving goals. Recognizing that and staying positive throughout is the key to success. The American Psychological Association agrees, noting that a key part of success is how you treat yourself when you fail. Learn from setbacks and move forward. The impact of healthy habits can be noticed in as little as two weeks, but studies show healthy habits are fully-formed after 66 days, so be patient.
The Wood Street Fitness Center is located at 1000 W. Wood St. in Bensenville. Rates are just $15 per month ($153/year—15 percent savings) for residents and $18 monthly ($184/year) for non-residents. Non-resident employees of approved Bensenville businesses can receive the resident rate through the center’s corporate program. The Core Class Pass offers unlimited fitness classes for a low monthly or annual price or as an add-on to fitness center membership. Try classes for free during Wood Street Fitness’ free fitness week, January 9-14, 2023. Contact Acevedo (, 630-766-7015) or visit for information.