Bensenville Park District adds two new theatre classes

Creative Writing, Page to Stage classes begin in January

Bensenville, Ill. (December 28, 2023) — The Bensenville Park District is offering two new theatre classes—Creative Writing and Page to Stage—beginning in mid-January designed to nurture budding playwrights and performers.

Those aged 18 and above can explore poetry, storytelling, play writing and screen writing in Creative Writing, 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays, January 16 through March 5, in the Willow Room of the Deer Grove Leisure Center (DGLC). Each class session will include writing exercises followed by group feedback on each other’s work. Students should bring a portable device such as a laptop or tablet for reading and writing each week.

Page to Stage is offered to two separate age groups, 10-14 and 14-18, and teaches young artists to adapt a variety of texts such as historical, fiction, fantasy and even their own works into theatrical performances. The class is appropriate for all experience levels, and students will learn writing and directing techniques to create a unique short performance. Classes run Wednesdays from January 17 through March 6, and parents are invited to see their children perform during the last class. Class times are 5-5:45 p.m. for ages 10-14 and 6-6:45 p.m. for ages 14-18 in the DGLC Willow Room.

The new classes complement additional theatre programs such as Acting 101, which allows students age 10-14 to develop their imaginations and self-confidence through performing arts. Each class begins with warm-up exercises and progresses through scene work, monologues and improv games. Two sessions of the Tuesday class are offered: January 16-March 5 and March 19-May 7.

For young people looking to get started in the performing arts, Intro to Acting introduces those ages 6-9 to theatre in a fun and creative way. Students will learn acting, set design, playwriting and more. Intro to Acting runs 5-5:45 p.m. Tuesdays, March 19-May 7.

All class fees are $75, $55 for those living within park district boundaries. Register a week before the start of each class at the DGLC, 1000 W. Wood Street, Bensenville. For more information about Bensenville Park District programs, activities and special events, visit

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