Hour-long water service shut-offs at DGLC, White Pines, Pine Room
The Bensenville Park District will be completing two maintenance projects, affecting service at the Deer Grove Leisure Center (1000 W. Wood Street), White Pines Golf Club (500 W. Jefferson) and Pine Room (531 S. Church) on the morning of Thursday, February 22.
The Fitness Center HVAC roof top unit is scheduled to be replaced beginning at approximately 7:30 a.m. Parking on the west side of the DGLC will be limited due to placement of a crane at the southwest corner of the DGLC parking lot. The building’s main entrance will remain open during the installation. This construction is expected to last throughout the morning. Wood Street Fitness will be closed briefly at some point during that time.
The DGLC, White Pines and Pine Room will also be undergoing water meter changes, which will necessitate shutting off water for approximately one hour. Hand sanitizers will be installed at the DGLC during that time, and staff will flush toilets as needed with non-potable water. The schedule for water shut-off is as follows:
- 8-9 a.m. White Pines
- 9-10 a.m. Deer Grove Leisure Center
- 10-11 a.m. Pine Room
Please make note of this maintenance schedule when planning a visit to these facilities.